Gertraud Koch
Short Description
Prof Dr Gertraud Koch is professor and head of the Institute for Anthropological Studies in Culture and History at University of Hamburg and a member of the expert committee “Intangible Cultural Heritage” of the German Commission for UNESCO. For many years, her main research focuses on cultural diversity, social inclusion, digital cultures, and knowledge anthropology.

Areas of Research
- Digital Ethnography / Ethnografie des Virtuellen
- Mobile Media, Augmented Realities, and Virtualization
- Digital Heritage
- Oben _unten. Zur Kultur der sozialen Ungleichheit
- Urban Diversities and Publics
- Arbeitskulturen
Selected Publications
Koch, Gertraud (2018): The ethnography of Infrastructures. Digital Humanities and Cultural Anthropology. In: Bernadou, Agiatis; Champion, Erik; Dallas, Costis; Hughes, Lorna M. (Ed.): Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities. London / New York: Routledge, P. 63–81.
Koch, Gertraud (2017) (Ed.): Digitisation. Theories and Concepts for Empirical Cultural Research. London: Routledge.
Lutz, Samantha; Koch, Gertraud (2017): Sustainability, Sustainable Development, and Culture: Diverging Concepts and Practices in European Heritage Work. In: Albert, M-T; Bandarin, Francesco; Roders, Ana Pereira (Eds.): Going Beyond. Perceptions of Sustainability in Heritage Studies No. 2. Cham: Springer International Publishing, P. 71-84.
Koch, Gertraud (2013): Studying heritage in the digital era. In: Albert, M-T.; Bernecker, R.; Rudolph, B. (Eds.): Understanding heritage. Perspectives in heritage studies. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, P. 169-182.
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University of Hamburg
c/o: Institute for Anthropological Studies in Culture and History
Grindelallee 46 | postbox: H8 | 20146 Hamburg | Germany
+49 (0)40 42838-9940
Concepts, strategies and media infrastructures for envisioning socially inclusive potential futures of European Societies through culture.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764859.