Supervision and mentoring by a network of peers
Qualifications and supervision experience of supervisors
All POEM supervisors have formal qualifications, extensive research experiences, experience in project leadership, academic training of students, and PhD students in particular, thus meeting the requirements of the European Research Charter comprehensively. Each early-stage researcher (ESR) will have two supervisors from the POEM network and a mentor/advisor from the non-academic field, thus both sectors will work collaboratively together.
Quality of the proposed interaction between the participating organisations
Contribution of all participants to the research and training programme
The contributing participants of the European Training Network (ETN) are from science, IT business, creative industries, NGOs, working in the field of open knowledge and social inclusion, and memory institutions: libraries, museums, archives. They provide the variety of knowledge needed for initiating participatory memory work (PMW) and are collaborating in many different forms. Scientists and practitioners from businesses, NGOs, and memory institutions are providing theoretical and methodological knowledge and practical expertise in training events. The Knowledge Hubs in spring and autumn each year are important meeting points for the project, where all involved participants meet to exchange about the state of the art, discuss the progress of the individual research projects, synchronize joint activities, to exchange on the progress at a work package level, and come together to take consortium-related decisions in the Supervisory Board and training-related decisions in the Training Board.
Synergies between participating institutions
All scientists involved have particular expertise in the subject area of the work packages their ESRs’ projects are situated in and from where the overlaps and interconnections to the other work packages are built. The individual research projects are the cornerstone of the progress of POEM knowledge production. The progress emerges from the exposure to non-academic fields and the cooperation between scientists and non-academic partners who support the growth of each dissertation project with particular knowledge backgrounds, secondments, and research opportunities for the ESRs. Moreover, non-academic partners are providing transdisciplinary knowledge in their training units. All non-academic partners are involved in the supervision of the ESRs and are available for addressing questions that will arise in all ESR’s projects.
The academic and non-academic beneficiaries cover a broad range of expertise for initiating socially inclusive PMW by complementing theoretical, methodological, technological, and practical knowledge from cultural anthropology/European ethnology, museum studies, heritage studies, information studies and sciences, media studies, science and technology studies, social entrepreneurship and empowerment, design anthropology, participatory design and legal and economic issues of open knowledge.
Mentoring and secondments
Exposure of recruited researchers to different (research) environments
Most ESRs will have two secondments, which will expose ESRs to two further work contexts beyond academia: institutional work in memory institutions, IT-business, creative industries, or the new sense of open, socially inclusive, empowering, social entrepreneurial PMW as it is lived in the NGOs Open Knowledge Foundation, Wikimedia and Ashoka. The contrasting experiences and differences of the contexts will give reason to critical reflections about the nature of PMW, its challenges, premises, and practical conditions.
Apart from developing excellent research skills, this project will also offer the students the opportunity to develop important ethical orientations and a range of valuable professional skills for socially inclusive PMW to advance their personal development and career prospects.
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Coordination and Project Management
University of Hamburg
c/o: Institute for Anthropological Studies in Culture and History
Grindelallee 46 | postbox: H8 | 20146 Hamburg | Germany
+49 (0)40 42838-9940
Concepts, strategies and media infrastructures for envisioning socially inclusive potential futures of European Societies through culture.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764859.