Quoc-Tan Tran
E-Mail: quoc-tan.tran@uni-hamburg.de

Areas of Research
Work Package 3 “Connectivities built by memory modalities”
PhD Project 10
Memory modalities in diverse types of memory institutions (working title)
In the development of a digital collaborative environment that allows memory and cultural institutions to collaborate with the public, there has been a call for institutional users to consider participatory approaches in the project design and implementation. Emerging participatory-interaction practices, amongst which digital storytelling, participatory digital exhibition, digital photo-elicitation, participatory archive, are developing as well as new kinds of memory modalities. The research project has two objectives: a) conduct cross-section research of the digital memory modalities of all involved memory institutions in their socio-technical potential for participatory interaction (in difference to interactivity) and in respect to their specific forms in the diverse types of memory institutions; and b) investigate best practices of memory modalities facilitating participatory approaches will be collected across Europe.
Academic Qualifications
Master of Research in Library and Information Science, University of Lille, France
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Double Degree), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Work Experience
2017 – May 2018
Systems Designer, Transnational Mark Twain project, University of Lille, France
Feb – Jun 2015
Thesaurus Developer, Galicia Jewish Museum, Poland
Reporter – Cultural Correspondent, Forbes Vietnam magazine, Vietnam
Systems Designer, Smart Art project, Design Factory Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Research Interests
- Language, culture and the organization of knowledge
- Information ethics and interoperability in e-infrastructures
- Design anthropology and participatory approaches
- Digital humanities
Tran Q.-T./ Fraisse A./ Jenn R. (2018). Crowdsourcing Model for Multilingual Corpus and Knowledge Construction: The Case of Transnational Mark Twain. Zagadnienia Informaji Naukowei [Issues in Information Science], vol. 56, n°1, p. 21-32.
Tran Q.-T. (2018). Knowledge Organization Systems and Cultural Interoperability in Open Humanitarian Settings. In Proceedings of the the 15th International ISKO Conference, Porto, Portugal, July 2018.
Tran Q.-T./ Fraisse A./ Jenn R./ Paroubek P./ Fishkin S. F. (2018). TransLiTex: A Parallel Corpus of Translated Literary Texts. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, May 2018.
Tran Q.-T. (2017). Ethically Responsible Knowledge Organization Systems: Towards an Intercultural User Interface. Zagadnienia Informaji Naukowei [Issues in Information Science], vol. 55, n°2, p. 16-29.
Tran, Q.-T. (2017). The Emergence of the Digital Humanities: An Epistemological Cartography of Thematic Issues in French Academic Journals. In Proceedings of AIUCD 2017 Conference & 3rd EADH Day, Rome, Italy, p. 179-184.
Recent Conferences and Workshop Presentations
Tran, Q.-T./Zwart, I. / Kist, C./ Boersma, S.: “Infrastructures and future possibilities for the participation” at the digital 5th Biennial Conference “ACHS 2020 FUTURES” of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS), 26-30. Aug. 2020.
Tran, Q.-T.: “Infrastructural qualities of participatory memory work” at the “Connecting Memories 2020 Symposium”, University of Edinburgh, UK, 29. June 2020.
Tran, Q.-T.: “Assembling infrastructures: Potentials of digital infrastructures for public engagement and participation in memory institutions” at the University of Uppsala, 17. Dec. 2019.
Tran, Q.-T.: “Infrastructural becoming as a provisional process: ‘What does open mean to you?’ at the international large-scale conference “Infrastructures and Inequalities: Media Industries, Digital Cultures and Politics” from the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), University of Helsinki, Finland, 21-22. Nov. 2019.
Tran, Q.-T./ Tzouganatou, A./ Krueckeberg, J.: Fishbowl Discussion at 100th anniversary panel of the Institute of European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology at the 42. Congress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde [Congress of the German Society for Folklore], Hamburg, 7-10. Oct. 2019.
Tran, Q.-T.: Opening Conference POEM (Horizon 2020), Hamburg, 13-14. Dec. 2018.
Tran, Q.-T. (2017). Ethical Dimension in Knowledge Organization Systems and Applicable Architecture for Intercultural Interface Design. The 4th International Scientific Conference Information Science in the Age of Change – Innovative Information Services, Warsaw, Poland, May 2017.
Tran Q.-T./ Fraisse, A./ Jenn, R./ Takhtoukh, S. (2017). Merging Crowdsourcing and Computational Approaches for Digital Humanities. The 4th International Scientific Conference Information Science in the Age of Change – Innovative Information Services (15-16 May 2017), Warsaw, Poland.
Tran Q.-T./ Fraisse, A./ Jenn, R./ Fishkin, S. F. (2017). A Crowdsourcing-based Approach to Data Collection. Symposium Citizen Humanities and Networked Power: Crowdsourcing and the academy in the age of social media, Stanford, United States, October 2017.
Summer term 2021 “Being digital: Technologies, materiality and social construction” at the University of Hamburg
Summer term 2020 “Platform society and infrastructures of everyday life” at the University of Hamburg
Winter term 2019/2020 “Networked culture: information, network society and new forms of knowledge” at the University of Hamburg
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Coordination and Project Management
University of Hamburg
c/o: Institute for Anthropological Studies in Culture and History
Grindelallee 46 | postbox: H8 | 20146 Hamburg | Germany
+49 (0)40 42838-9940
Concepts, strategies and media infrastructures for envisioning socially inclusive potential futures of European Societies through culture.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 764859.